Viewpoints from Nabil Fakhoury

The answer is yes! Core and ancillary lines of coverage can be transformed and personalized based on culture, demographics, and risk tolerance. Renewal season is a chance to move the needle in the right direction; however, the sheer number of options to sift through and vet is an undertaking in and of itself (never mind the effect too many point solutions could have on your employee engagement). Cost is almost always another top perennial concern – we’re already seeing some client renewals for the upcoming plan year in the double digits. So, what should an employer do?

If you feel like you’re running out of ideas for this benefits renewal season, there’s no time like now to act.

We invite you to learn how to integrate the latest benefits strategies into your process and become an employer of choice for attracting and retaining top talent.

According to last year’s PwC Employee Benefits Perspective Survey, the top three challenges around providing health and welfare benefits are:

  1. Total benefit costs
  2. Maintaining employee engagement over time
  3. Complexities of working with multiple vendors.

This is not a go-it-alone endeavor; you need a trusted consultant and partner to help guide you every step of the way.

Strategies and Insights That Will Help You Unlock the Power of Employee Benefits

Getting the best answer starts with asking the right questions.

  • What does it mean to have resilient strategies?
    Resilient strategies start with critical thinking in strategic planning. Learn how to develop resilient strategies to adapt to ever-changing market conditions.
  • What are the emerging trends that are shaping the workplace in 2025?
    Gain and leverage valuable insights into the most innovative benefits we see today.
  • What can I do to mitigate risk?
    Get an actionable view of business risks and uncertainties you should consider as you plan for the coming year.
  • How do I handle vendor fatigue?Vendor and point-solution fatigue is real. Learn tips to help you navigate the ever-complex benefit solution landscape and ecosystem.

Make 2025 a winning year.

This century will be 25 years old next year – don’t let unnecessary time pass before you start planning your 2025 employee benefits with direction and intention.

Join me on June 20 as we explore these strategies further! Take advantage of this opportunity to gain the strategic insights and tools you need to serve your evolving workforce in 2025 and beyond. Let us help you tailor these resources to your specific needs.

Register today to join us on June 20 at 11 a.m. PT / Noon MT / 1 p.m. CT / 2 p.m. ET.


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🚀 Gear Up for 2025: Your Roadmap to Benefits Success

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Our Leaders

Nabil Fakhoury headshot
Nabil Fakhoury

Managing Principal Private Equity, Employee Benefits – Boca Raton, FL